Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The holidays were crazy, and followed by my entire family getting sick, one having to spend a day in the emergency at the hospital. It is such a relief that life has finally gotten pretty well back to normal.

So...I got some great farkles for my bike for Christmas and for my birthday. Installation hasn't all gone so easy, between electrical problems and wrong size parts. Here are a few pictures of what we've done so far.

We installed engine bars

Replaced the old wet battery with a sealed battery

Replaced the old dash lights with led lights

Installed a new fuse box

Installed a charge guard

There is more work done and not yet photographed, and still more that is waiting to hopefully get finished this week.

1 comment:

Doug Just Doug said...

My first visit;I saw your link on wBW. Very nice site; awesome pics! I gotta do that Alaska ride someday -- beautiful! BTW, I just installed a ChargeGuard, too. The only downside is now I know exactly how cold it is on my Winter commutes. Ride Safe!